Sunday, November 4, 2012

Saying Goodbye...

"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected." – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

The Phedisang group of 2012 can testify to that! Following the previous night's festivities and tearful goodbyes we all woke up with the very real realisation that this was the last day of our life changing experience.

Looking around the breakfast table, it dawned on us that these friendships were soulful connections. We all agreed that these friendships with our leaders at Phedisang will always remain in our hearts, and be one of the fondest memories.

On behalf of the 2012 Roedean team we would like to thank Mrs Hulley for putting together such a successful and enriching experience.
Ms Sibisi, Our cook, and often 'mother-hen' and her daughter Zano,
Issack, Our very skilful driver and Charity Monyela our Phedisang correspondent

 “Phedisang is number one,
No matter what can people say
OUR Phedisang is number one!”

To Our Friends:
"May the sun shine, all day long,
everything go right, and nothing wrong.
May those you love bring love back to you,
and may all the wishes you wish come true!"
– Irish Blessing

Zahraa Kazee, Shazia Patel & Catherine Gordon-Grant

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Day three at Phedišang
After a well deserved rest, we woke up early to help prepare breakfast for the rest of the group. At 8:30 we then left to continue the work at our respective centres. The Woester group joined the group heading to Turkey. There they conducted a computer training workshop for the staff at Phedišang, this was incredibly successful! Whilst this was in progress the Turkey group finished off painting their world map. The Butswana group started off with painting the 2 blackboards and moved on to the alphabet, numbers and shapes. Before the Woester group headed back to the London mission they visited the local sangoma, this was a fascinating experience. The scorching heat made the day very long, however the enthusiastic children made the day productive and worthwhile! We are really looking forward to the rest of the week!

Jolyne, Naadhirah and Rebecca

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day Two at Phedišang

Today we woke up to a welcomed slight drizzle after a hot and bothered night. After an early breakfast, we packed our equipment and supplies onto the bus to make our way to our prospective centers. After the introductions, we settled and started planning our projects for the rest of the week.  Painting is a large part of this Phedišang program and all the groups got started on this today. But we couldn’t wait to play with the kids and share our games from home. We were amazed by their exuberance and excitement and it’s definitely rubbed off on us. Catherine even got peed on, so much for a warm welcome! J
After a hearty lunch of samp, beans, and beans and beetroot salads, we finally got to meet the leaders we would be working with for the rest of the week. We were nervous as they were our age and things could turn out to be awkward , but this was not the case at all. With the leader’s help, we found progress much more speedy and pleasant.
After one more round of games, we finally made our way back to the mission. Sitting on the yoga mats with a beautiful mountain range behind us, we discussed our highs and lows of the day. Despite the problems we may have faced, we realized we were in a very special place and we fully intend to make the best of it.
Khanyi, Lindi, Jemma

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day One: Bugs galore

As a troupe of girls got ready to head out to Phedisang, we compared the amount of bags to the very limited space in the trailers. This was nothing short of mission impossible.
After the prospect of Harrie's Pancakes, our group managed to overlook the body heat, no legroom and the unmistakable laugh of Khanyi.
The beautiful scenery of the mountains made this long bus ride worth it and made us look forward to what is to come.
With this amazing group of people, we are sure to succeed.
Bethaniqua and Didikins

Monday, October 15, 2012


Trying out the blog with Meshack's unbelievable patience...boxes and more boxes arriving in my office...almost ca'nt move in my office! Excitement is building in the girls as they get their resources together.
Looking forward to another valuable project and journey ahead of us with an awesome team of Roedean treasures!